Hawkins Hamper Supplies - Where Service Comes First
Call John Hawkins 01797 253756 or 07968 308269
Privacy Policy
We use a third party organisation called Statcounter in order to improve our services.
When you visit our website the StatCounter Analytics service, will issue the following cookies which will usually be set on your computer:
3rd Party Unique/Returning Cookie
This holds data on your visits to our websites. We solely use it to determine whether you are a first-time or returning visitor and to estimate your accumulated unique visits per site. No personal information is stored in the cookie. If you click on our Use of Cookies button a detailed explainer is available in order for you to delete these cookies.
When you sign-up via our web site, please be assured your details are NOT passed on to any other organisations. We use this information to let you know about any offers or events that may be of interest to you.
If you want us to delete your details from our contacts list, please email john@hampersupplies.co.uk and we will remove you from any further e-marketing emails.